


彼得·伊利,S.J., 前宣教部副主席, has composed a list of terms frequently used by Jesuits that may be helpful to know. Below are also some reading recommendations for people who would like to know more about Jesuit spirituality and history.


Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam(拉丁语),意思是“为了上帝更大的荣耀”.这是耶稣会的座右铭.

A phrase that embodies the creative tension between Jesuits’ full embrace of concrete action and their attentiveness to where God may call them next. Lay organizations, such as the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, have also adopted this spiritual stance. 积极的生活, 帕克·帕尔默写道, “思考和行动从根本上是结合在一起的, 而它们的根源是我们对充分生活的不断渴望.”

(拉丁语),意思是照顾整个人. 耶稣会的基本价值包括三个概念, 据布赖恩·麦克德莫特说, S.J.: Treating people as individuals and honoring their unique worth; caring for the “whole” person (including physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual health); and taking into account people’s backgrounds, 包括他们的家庭生活, nationality, and culture.

A process of discovering God’s direction and guidance in the concrete reality of our day-to-day lives. . . Discernment is a prayerful “pondering” or “mulling over” of the options facing you. Your goal is to understand them in your heart: to see them, as it were, as God might see them. In one sense, there is no limit to how long you might wish to continue this. 然而,当你继续这个过程, some options should of their own account fall by the wayside while others should gain clarity and focus. 这是一个应该无情地走向决定的过程. (查尔斯·J. Jackson, S.J.)

Refers to the defining characteristics and ethos of the Jesuits (or Society of Jesus), 是由罗耀拉的依纳爵创立的吗.

希腊文中耶稣名字的前三个字母. These letters appear as a symbol on the official seal of the Society of Jesus, or Jesuits.

(拉丁语),意思是更多. 这个词传统上被圣. 伊格那丢和耶稣会士 to suggest the spirit of generous excellence--striving for the greater good--that drive our ministries.

A regional organization for the care of Jesuits within its boundaries and for the governance of affiliated ministries and work, 一个省通常由几个相邻的州组成. The California Province is one of 10 comprising the federated body, the United States Assistancy. 相关词汇:省级父亲省级领导每个省, 监督耶稣会士的精神需要和管理事务, 在一群顾问和顾问的帮助下. 在加利福尼亚州, 耶稣会士和教友助理负责各种各样的项目, from development and communications to secondary education and international ministries.

院长是一种上级,由总主教任命. 教区牧师通常是较大社区的上级. 上级可以由当地省长任命.

(Capital S and E) An organized series of spiritual exercises put together by Ignatius of Loyola out of his own personal spiritual experience and that of others to whom he listened. Ignatius set all of this down in the book of the Spiritual Exercises as a handbook to help the guide who coached a person engaged in "making the Exercises.” Related term: spiritual exercises (small s and e) Any of a variety of methods or activities for opening oneself to God's spirit and allowing one's whole being, 不仅仅是思想, 受影响. 这些方法可能包括口头祈祷, meditation, 日记或其他形式的写作, 读经, 用粘土绘画或成型的, 演奏或听音乐, 在大自然中工作或散步.



Defined by the Catechism of the Catholic Church as “a radical reorientation of the whole life away from sin and evil, 向着上帝.伯纳德·朗纳格兰,S.J., writes, “It is not the substitution of a new self-image, no matter how upright, for an old one. It reaches down into the roots of an individual’s affections, images, dreams, and choices….”

The Superior General of the Society of Jesus is addressed as 父亲一般, a term that hearkens backs to the early military career of Ignatius Loyola, 学会创始人.

耶稣会士的教育和训练, 称为形成, 是一个多方面的过程吗, 通常需要10到12年,包括七个阶段:见习, 第一个研究, regency, theology, 特殊的研究, tertianship, 最后的誓言. 形成的目标是教育的整体整合, experience, and values so that a Jesuit priest or brother will be prepared to serve where the need is greatest and where he can make the greatest contribution. A “formed” Jesuit is one whose life is grounded in his relationship to Jesus; freed by his vows to serve; committed to partnering with laypersons; immersed in our contemporary culture; and dedicated to the faith that does justice.

(字面意思是“好消息”)国外博彩app耶稣的好消息或喜讯. Plural. 《国外博彩app》基督教经书的前四部(马太福音, Mark, Luke, 和约翰)讲述耶稣的故事.

现代神学概念, 这表明上帝已经存在并活跃在一种文化中, and so our presentation of the Gospel to any given culture should be allowed to flourish in the “soil” of that culture.


(Layperson, laymen, laywomen) The people of a religious faith as distinguished from its clergy.

“某些态度, values, and patterns of behavior join together to become what has been called the Jesuit way of proceeding. 我们行事方式的特点是在圣. 依纳爵和他的第一批同伴分享.” Jerome Nadal writes that “the form of the Society is in the life of Ignatius [and they include] a deep personal love for Jesus Christ.”

A Jesuit seminarian who has taken first vows and declared his intention to seek ordination as a priest.

The executive assistant or “second-in-command” to the provincial at each province’s administrative center, 俗称库里亚.


詹姆斯·马丁,S.J., The Jesuit Guide to (Almost) Everything: A Spirituality for Real Life, HarperOne, 2010.
“The Colbert Report” chaplain offers this highly accessible guide for understanding the life and spirituality of St. 伊格那丢和耶稣会士.

Fr. Peter Ely, vice president for Mission and Ministry: "O’Malley clearly lays out the fundamental principles that governed the Society’s early development and continue to guide it today. 这是一部学术著作,文献翔实,文字清晰. It is worth the effort for someone who wants a deeper look at the Society of Jesus."

Ron Modras, Ignatian Humanism: A Dynamic Spirituality for the 21st Century, Loyola Press, 2004.
Fr. Ely: "A very readable history of the Jesuits with helpful sketches of key Jesuit figures such as Ignatius of Loyola, 佩德罗Arrupe, 利玛窦和其他人. "

A 耶稣会教育 Reader: Contemporary Writings on the Jesuit Mission in Education, Principles, 天主教身份问题,  依纳爵之道的实际应用, and More, 乔治·特劳布编辑, S.J.罗耀拉出版社,2008年.
Fr. Ely:“各种作者的有用的散文集. One of the advantages of this book is that the reader can select topics of interest without reading the whole book. 这些文章是由当今一些最优秀的学者撰写的."