Volunteering with ISC

Our volunteers help make events like our UN Luncheon, International Dinner, and Spring BBQ happen. Volunteering is a great way to make new friends and expand your global viewpoint.

Volunteers preparing to serve food at International Student Center's Annual International Dinner

International Dinner

Our annual signature event, the International Dinner, is hosted every Winter quarter and includes cultural performances and food from around the world! Planning for this event starts in Fall and we are always looking for people to help us with food, fundraising, decorations, entertainment and marketing.

You can choose to volunteer before, during, and after the event based on your own schedule.

Global Ambassador

The Global Ambassador team is made of volunteer student leaders who help plan events for international students and the broader campus community. Meet our current group of Global Ambassadors and connect with them at some of our events!

Student Staff

Student staff positions at the International Student Center provide international students with an opportunity to work at Seattle University, meet other international students and immerse themselves even further into the ISC.

Volunteer Application Form